Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Top 8 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Seo Campaing

Working in the field I know how important search engine optimisation is however many people who create websites do not. If you are not appearing on the first page of the search engines then you will find it very difficult to get enough traffic to make your site a success. This article will look at some of the common mistakes people make in SEO.

1. Starting Late
Many people believe that SEO is basically keyword research and copywriting but this is just part of it. When you create your site you should decided on your keywords before you begin. You can then decide on what you want your domain name to be and what your pages will be called. This will help more than most people imagine.

2. Not Getting the Right Content Management System
To keep your SEO campaign up to date it is important that you are able to edit the title tags, alt tags and anchor text on your website. If you have a content management system that does not allow you to do that then you could have some serious problems. You should make sure you check these things out before you begin.

3. Using Languages that are not Search Engine Friendly
Many people want to have great looking websites that do brilliant things. However part of the problem with this is the search engines can’t see this they can only read. There are certain languages that the search engines cannot read such as Flash. If you decide to create your whole site in Flash you could have a big problem and the struggle to get anywhere with the search engines.

4. Duplicate Content Issues
There are quite a few places where you can end up with duplicate content on your website. For example many pages have more than one home page, the main domain name and a /index file that people get to when they click on Home button. This should be eliminated as the search engines will not be happy with this sort of content.

5. Not enough Content
This can be a major problem for sites that use images or are selling products. It is vital to remember that search engines do not see images they only read text. So if you have a page that just has a video on it and a few words of description your users will love it but the search engines will not. You need to make sure every page is valuable to the search engines and includes enough content for them to view your pages as useful.

6. Not using Anchor Text
This is the text you use in your links to get form one page to another. Many people will just use generic terms like Click Here to get people from page to page but this will mean nothing to the search engines. You should try and use your keywords in these links so that the search engines know what every links is about.

7. Keyword Stuffing
Many website owners will realise they need to add their keywords to their pages but will go over board and add their keywords a disproportionate number of times. This will look like spam to the search engines and could get your a ban. It is important to have your keywords in your page a reasonable number of times. Look at your competitors and see what they do and then try and keep roughly the same percentage.

8. Lack of Investment
This includes a lack of investment of both time and money. Unfortunately SEO is not an easy thing to do and if you don’t invest in it then you will get nowhere. You need to remember that if you do not have the time to do it then you should employ a company and be prepared to pay for their work in the same way you would for any advertising. If it was easy then everyone would be at the top.
To avoid mistakes make sure you do your research and ask for advice if needed. This will ensure you have the best possible change to succeed.


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